Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is the most ridiculous reason you've ever gotten in trouble?

Survey Says:
"We were learning a dance in preschool in the YMCA gym. The teacher was counting the steps aloud as we did them. The other kids started counting with her. I was counting in my head. The teachers took this "non-participation as defiance and made me sit in a corner. 26 years later I'm still bitter."

knocking over a portapotty when someone was in it

"I was wrestling with a friend at home and accidentally threw him into a wall. Ended up making a huge hole in the drywall and my parents were none too pleased!"

"While still in HS, I was stopped and grilled by the cops - because some guy wiith a similar color/type car was exposing himself to people in the shopping center where I worked!"

When I was something like 9 or 10, my middle sister and I were having an argument. As I walked out of the room, she yelled, "@#$% YOU!" I yelled back, "SHUT UP!" Guess who got sent to her room?

Okay... A friend cut another friend's rubber giraffe into small pieces. I got detention because I knew about it.

Okay, so whoever is doing the disciplining in this country needs a stern talking-to.

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